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Friday 24 April 1998


Ok. So remember how I told you about how Christopher's mother had died and left he and he father to fend for themselves? No? Oops. I must have forgotten. My memory isn't what it used to be. Well, she had died and everyone was sad and coincidentally, at around the time that she died, Mr Shears got into a fight with Mrs. Shears and HE LEFT HER. It was the biggest scandal of the day!!! Unfortunately, I hadn't discovered this wonderful Internet thingymabob yet so I didn't have anyone to share the news with. But now I do! So anyway, back on track now, apparently, (brace yourself)



I know.
I know.
I know. 
When I heard the news I had to sit down with a cup of earl grey. Maybe you should too. You look a little pale. 

Not only did she not die, but she ran away with Mr. Shears!!!!! People these days, you just don't know what to do with them. They have such loose morals now.
Christopher found out too and is now currently hiding in the Boone garden. See? This is how up to date I am. Everything is happening now. I don't know what will happen next, but I will keep all you people who are currently sitting down with a cup of tea, shell shocked, up to date with the news. I'll post back later when something new delvolpes! I just love it when juicy details come flooding out!!! It remind me of my younger days... I have to take Suagrplum to the vet now, but don't worry. My spies will keep in touch with me!!!!!!


  1. Well hello dear Ethel! I see your blog is coming along nicely. However, I would like to state that MY blog is more up to date and has much better information.

  2. Hello again Mr. Tibble! I mean no rudeness, but my blog is MUCH more up to date than yours. My blog also involves cats, therefore my blog trumps yours.

  3. Pish posh! I had a heart attack so I got to go to the hospital near Mr. Spears' new house so I could do snooping WHERE YOU COULDN'T!
    No offense meant.

  4. None taken, Mr Tibble. I hope you know that if you have been reading my blog, (which I know that you do secretly) prune juice is great for heart attacks, which while they may be for a good cause, aren't actually good for you. I have my little spies everywhere, so I don't even need to have a heart attack for information. Ha!

  5. Hmph! Real men have heart attacks and wrestle them back into submission!

    1. That's the stupidest thing that I've ever heard.
