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Wednesday 29 April 1998

Last Blog Post For a While :( :( :(

I apologize for the blog post yesterday. I fell out of a tree, and as you can imagine, it wasn't very comfy EXCEPT poor poor poor old Sugarplum was at the base of the tree to catch my fall. It is doing okay-ish, thanks to the many layers of pooifness, but I am stuck in the hospital with a broken leg. This might be the last blog post for a while because all that I am supposed to be doing right now is "resting". Resting, ha! I pick-pocketed a nurse's iPhone to write this out quickly and I'm sure that she'll be looking for it soon. I'll miss all my readers very much, but rest assured I will be back!

(that's the internet symbol for love. that is not what it looks like to me.)


p.s. I forgot to write this, but the Boone family looks happy now. sigh. I do love happy endings.

Monday 27 April 1998

Gossip Girl XOX

Isn't that a great title?? It might be my new name of my blog, but apparently according to my nephew that's and actual show. People these days, keep stealing my ideas before I can get them to the media!
So, some more juicy gossip: I saw Christopher and his mother get into Mr. Shears' car and as soon as they took off, Mrs. Shears' came barreling out of her house yelling and screaming and cursing. I love my neighborhood! So much drama! Just like my old high school days.......... Of course, it was usually me causing all the drama, but same difference same difference!
My computer has broken down again. I am writing this in a tree in a notebook, observing all the events happening in the neighborhood.  Anyway I AH EHUd AFH  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhHHHHH

Sunday 26 April 1998

update on update!

Well, of course you can imagine that when Ed (Mr. Boone) came home to not find Christopher, he went completely ballistic, called the police and organized a MANHUNT for the child! I agree with Mr. Tibbles on this one, "Sometimes, I can't believe this country. Back in the day, if a stupid child like the Boone child ran away, nobody would care! His loss, their gain!" Completely true, Mr. Tibbles. But this is the one and ONLY time that I will agree with you. You're too rude to my cat for us to be friends. 

Onto happier things, I bought Sugarplum another hat! Here's a "pic!"

Bye for now!!!


I was gardening this morning, and saw that after Mr. Boone had left the house for his work, Christopher came out from the bushes, took some food from his bad and ran over to Mrs. Shears' house. He banged raucously on her door, but when no-one answered, he gave up and walked around the house to sit beside  a dustbin. He sat there for a few minutes, then, walked over to Mrs. Alexander's house. He rang the doorbell and she came quickly to the door and they talked for a bit, and with each passing second, I saw that Christopher was getting more and more frustrated until he finally got fed up (I suppose) and walked back to his house. Then, dear reader, I saw him do one of his stupidest acts yet! He found a brick, picked it up and THREW it through the window of his house! He climbed inside and grabbed a couple things (This is something called an inference where I make an educated guess based on facts. I don't know if he did for sure, but his bag was bulkier than before) and when he was walking away from his house, I saw the bright glittering happiness of a credit card. A CREDIT CARD! Certainly not his, but his fathers! He STOLE the credit card! What an insufferable child! He continued walking out of the neighborhood until I could no longer see him. I end this post with mixed feelings. Happy, because the child is no longer here to bang on doors and do his nightly walks, but at the same time, mad, because until he comes back or I hear something new, I have nothing else to report. Harrumph! Children these days are so inconsiderate! Au revoir!

Saturday 25 April 1998

My Beautiful Flower Garden

Just take a look! The flowers are in bloom like my wrinkly heart.
Nothing can compare to the beauty, except maybe my Sugarplum. Oooh! That sounds like a poem! I should write one!!!
Roses are red, Violets are blue, I don't know how to end this poem, oh pooh.
It's feeding time for Sugarplum-I'll be back on later if anything else happens!

Friday 24 April 1998


Ok. So remember how I told you about how Christopher's mother had died and left he and he father to fend for themselves? No? Oops. I must have forgotten. My memory isn't what it used to be. Well, she had died and everyone was sad and coincidentally, at around the time that she died, Mr Shears got into a fight with Mrs. Shears and HE LEFT HER. It was the biggest scandal of the day!!! Unfortunately, I hadn't discovered this wonderful Internet thingymabob yet so I didn't have anyone to share the news with. But now I do! So anyway, back on track now, apparently, (brace yourself)



I know.
I know.
I know. 
When I heard the news I had to sit down with a cup of earl grey. Maybe you should too. You look a little pale. 

Not only did she not die, but she ran away with Mr. Shears!!!!! People these days, you just don't know what to do with them. They have such loose morals now.
Christopher found out too and is now currently hiding in the Boone garden. See? This is how up to date I am. Everything is happening now. I don't know what will happen next, but I will keep all you people who are currently sitting down with a cup of tea, shell shocked, up to date with the news. I'll post back later when something new delvolpes! I just love it when juicy details come flooding out!!! It remind me of my younger days... I have to take Suagrplum to the vet now, but don't worry. My spies will keep in touch with me!!!!!!

Pic of Sugarplum

Haha. Pic is a new for picture I learned today!! My grandson told me this over the phone, after helping me learn how to turn on my computer. (I promise that I pressed the on button!!!) I think he was rolling his eyes the entire time, but he's so lucky to have such a cool grandma like me that has her own blog!!!
I found a old picture of Sugarplum from Halloween a couple years ago, when it was white everywhere. (It fell into a bowl of bleach. Sugarplum doesn't have the most gymnastic abilities)
Here it is!!:

Awwwww isn't Sugarplum the cutest?


Thursday 23 April 1998

Finally some answered questions!

When I was shopping yesterday after I had written the last blog post, I ran into Mrs. Alexander (you know, the one who's been cavorting around with Christopher) at the supermarket. I asked her about if she knew what happened to Christopher and all she said (and I quote) was,"it's really none of your business, Ethel. But if you must know, Ed and Christopher have been going through a rough patch." I KNOW. I KNOW. That's ALL she said!!! I thought that maybe finally I would get some answers, but noooooo I'm left with another mystery to solve. Won't anyone take pity on this poor old lady?
"Going through a rough patch?" Maybe it was Ed after all who inflicted the wound upon Christopher. I never would have guessed! Poor, poor Ed. That child must have just gone too far. I say he deserves everything he got! Banging on doors ceaselessly around the neighbourhood, asking too many questions, taking those stupid midnight walks. I hope one day Christopher will just grow up with finally some sense in him. In my day, we didn't have people like him. If we did, they were just locked up! But times have changed and now there all all these pesky "human rights" laws and such. I say, everyone must fend for themselves in this cold, hard world. Britain must prevail!
Oops. I apologize. I got a little bit carried away there. Maybe I should go and bake to take my mind off these problems.

Wednesday 22 April 1998

child abuse????

While puttering around in my garden this morning, I saw Christopher leave for school in the bus. Nothing is odd about this except that the boy had a huge plaster on his cheek and a even bigger bruise on it. Now, knowing Christopher's violent tendencies, I would say that he did this to himself but... I'm pretty sure that even he wouldn't do this to himself. That leave the question of (as they said in my day) whodunnit? His own father? I'm pretty sure that Ed (Christopher's father) wouldn't have done it because from what I know of him, he's pretty painter with that child. Maybe the police came back for the murderer? (Aka Christopher) Or a neighbour finally got fed with with all of his banging on doors and talking to and annoying people? So many unanswered questions, so little time...

Tuesday 21 April 1998


Nothing big is planned for today, so I though that I'd post a picture of my cat. Her name is Sugarplum and she's 9 years old. She really doesn't do anything except for sleep and eat, so that's why I suppose that she's a litttllleee on the chubby side. She's terriblely afraid of Mr. Tibbles though. He has a blog too! You can find it here: except mine is way better and up to date. Ta ta for now!

Monday 20 April 1998

Prune Juice!

Today, while "surfing" the world wide web, I found out about the most marvellous thing! Prune Juice! This amazing concoction is perfect for all you out there that need more fibre.
You can:

  • mix them into your yoghurt
  • sprinkle them on your cereal
  • stir fry them with some vegetables
  • whip them up in fruit smoothies
  • toss them into your salad
  • puree them for a bruschetta base
  • pop them into your pasta sauces or risotto
  • bake them on top of pizza
  • substitute prune puree for cooking fat
  • add them to salsa
Oh, and if case nay of you are wondering, I got my computer fixed!!! Apperently it was smoking because of al the viruses on it. I though that computers couldn't get viruses? Oh well.
There are soooo many more ways out there that you can incorporate prunes into your daily lives that soon you will all be so healthy and purple!
Well, I have to go check on my stupid cat again. She's been scratching at the window for five minutes non-stop.

Bye for now!

Sunday 19 April 1998


I can't believe that I forgot to post this sooner! I heard from Ms. Eartherton who heard from Mr. Shoreton who had heard from Mrs. Carthington who had seen the Boone child return home! Why would the police let someone who is CLEARLY  a MURDER back into my the neighbourhood?? I don't  want to always sleep with a gun under my pillow, it just ISN'T safe. But desperate times call for desperate measures, no?

The Boone child (who I think is called "Christopher") has been making rounds around the neighborhood. He knocked on Mrs. Shears house first and they talked (actually it was mostly Mrs. Shears yelling and Christopher talking) and then she SLAMMED the door in his face! Good for her! We don't need to encourage the people of today to think that they can talk to anyone now can we? But then he went over to Mrs. Alexander's house and talked for quite a bit too! And yesterday they even walked to the park together!!!! I don't understand why they are talking but I'm sure that I'll be informed from my sources soon...

Saturday 18 April 1998

Crochet Pattern

Look at this crochet pattern I found today when I was browsing the World Wide Web!
That's the pattern!!!
It looks easy enough for even the beginner crocheter!
I picked up crocheting recently and have begun to consider myself QUITE a pro. I thought that I would share this nice piece for all you out there who are less talented as me :)

Friday 17 April 1998

Last night at around midnight you would NOT believe what I saw!I was up to watch the re-runs of the late late late show when I saw Mrs. Shears' dog called uhm...erm.. WELLINGTON, yes that's right, DEAD. D E A D as a doornail as we would say in my day, just LYING there in her front yard. It was an absolutely horrifying and disgusting sight and to make matters EVEN worse, a FORK was sticking out of it. I shudder just to even THINK about it. That Boone child who lives down the block had obviously seen this and as I watched he walked over to the dog and pulled the fork out of the dog and HUGGED HIM. A few minutes later, Mrs. Shears must have been watching the late late late show to because she came out, saw the whole catastrophe and started yelling at the asinine child who was STILL holding the dog. While being yelled at, the stupid child dropped the dog, rolled over onto the grass and started groaning. GROANING, I TELL YOU. It was as if he was possessed. Someone called the po po and it all went downhill from there. A policewoman took Mrs. Shears back inside her home while another policeman questioned the Boone child who was definitely not having a cooperative day. He lied down on the grass again and started making sounds that sounded like whale noises.Then, out of the blue he HITS THE POLICEMAN. I KNOW. I'm still surprised at it too. We all knew that he was off, but not that much! The policeman, of course, arrested him (Hallelujah!) and escorted him away to the police station.

That's all I have to say for now. I have to wake up early tomorrow to call the computer person to find out why my computer keeps smoking.
As the french say,
Au revoir!